Childhood cancer takes a heavy toll on every person it touches. Patients, parents, siblings, doctors, nurses and social workers all have unique and powerful perspectives to share. The Tom Coughlin Jay Fund is kicking off a year-long Letters to Cancer campaign to reach beyond the facts and figures and share the honest and emotional voices of those mostly deeply impacted when a child confronts this life-threatening disease.

We want people to speak from the heart and address “Cancer” directly in the form of a letter, describing the impact it has had on their life. These letters may be raw and difficult to read at times (warning--some include censored curse words), but they paint a heartfelt and accurate depiction of the pediatric cancer journey through different viewpoints.

We begin this campaign by sharing Lauren’s letter (see the video at the right and the letter below). Lauren’s son, Joey, was 7 when he was diagnosed with leukemia and began his painful and aggressive treatment.

We plan to share these letters throughout the year on our website, social media platforms and email and we welcome your contributions to this campaign. If you would like to share your letter, please forward your submissions (350 words max) to Carolyn Tillo at

Watch Lauren's video here: