Marking a quarter of a century of helping families tackling childhood cancer and celebrating our team of supporters.
2020 marked 25 years of the Tom Coughlin Jay Fund Foundation helping families tackle childhood cancer in the memory and spirit of the late Boston College safety, Jay McGillis. No one fights this disease alone; it takes a team. We are so grateful for the many supporters who have helped us BE THERE for families so they can BE THERE for their sick child.
For a quarter of a century, the Tom Coughlin Jay Fund Foundation has been helping families by keeping a roof over their heads; food on the table; gas in the tank; the lights on; and so much more. We never could have done any of this without our team. Please join us throughout the year as we celebrate and place a spotlight on the individuals and organizations who have helped make Jay’s legacy a reality.
How You Can Join the Jay Fund Team
1. Be an MVP for a child and her family to help keep their lights on, gas in their tank, and a roof over their head.MAKE A GIFT NOW.No dollar amount is too small.
2. Be a part of our patients’ cheering section during their cancer journey by following us onFacebook,Instagram,orTwitter@tcjayfund.